PERFECT Pipe: HDPE-Lined Concrete Sanitary Pipe
Introducing HDPE-Lined concrete sanitary pipe technology that sets a higher quality standard in sanitary sewer construction.

For sanitary sewer pipelines required to withstand earth loads and chemical attack, High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) and Reinforced Concrete is the only viable solution.
The introduction of HDPE-Lined Concrete Sanitary Pipe sets a new quality standard in pipeline construction. Concrete-HDPE composite pipes offer three significant benefits:
- High corrosion resistance
- Static load capacity even under high traffic loads
- Easy to install
HDPE-Lined Concrete Sanitary Pipe consists of a synthetic liner, which is firmly anchored into an ASTM C-76 concrete pipe. The tested pull-out strength for each anchor is more than 54 lbs. per-anchor.
Welding of pipe lining at joints is no longer required. The double tilting edge EPDM gasketing system allows pipe to be connected simply and easily. Construction companies are able to achieve considerable advances by using HDPE-Lined RCP.
Video Case Study – Indian Creek Trunk Sewer, Marion, IA
American Concrete Products’ HDPE-Lined Concrete Sanitary Pipe was recently selected to install 60” diameter HDPE-Lined Concrete Sanitary Pipe project for the Indian Creek Trunk Sewer, Segment 7 Project in Marion, IA. A water-tight, rigid 6,400’ long trunk line buried 50’ in saturated soils using prefabricated elbows and tees, and conventional large diameter manholes. Watch the video case study.
Case Study – Smithville WWTP
American Concrete Products’ HDPE-Lined Concrete Sanitary Pipe was recently selected to replace Fiberglass Reinforced Polymer Mortar Pipe (FRPMP) at Smithville, MO’s Wastewater Treatment Facility. The installation consisted of 400 feet of 36″ diameter HDPE-Lined RCP. Read more about this installation of PERFECT Pipe, HDPE-Lined Concrete Sanitary Pipe.
HDPE-Lined RCP Sizes Available (Nominal): 24″, 30″, 36″, 42″, 48″, 60″
Standard laying-lengths are 118.08” (9.84’)
American Concrete Products sells HDPE-Lined Concrete Sanitary Pipe throughout the Central and Eastern United States. For submittals, request technical data or to learn more, please contact Charles Moses via email at, or by phone at 402-250-6545.
Link to Iowa SUDAS 4010(2.01)(F.) Product Listing
Link to City of Omaha OPW 703.02(B.)(2.)(C.)
Jacking Pipe Details (24″ – 60″) 3-Part CSI Format Specification
24″ Diameter Submittal Package (600mm) HDPE-Lined RCP Installation Guide
30″ Diameter Submittal Package (800mm) List of North American Installations
36″ Diameter Submittal Package (900mm) HDPE-Lined RCP Product Overview
42″ Diameter Submittal Package (1100mm) Iowa SUDAS Product Listing
48″ Diameter Submittal Package (1200mm) City of Omaha Product Listing